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Under the theme “Mabaye Bephila Babuye Bephila” and to ensure that Amathole experiences zero deaths this summer, ADM Speaker Onke Mgunculu, accompanied by ADM Initiation Forum Chairperson Chief Mzikayise Kaulela, Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality Council Speaker Thozama Ngaye, the Department of Health and local initiation forums, visited initiation schools in Adelaide and Bedford on Wednesday, 6 December 2023
Through the visits Cllr Mgunculu had the opportunity, assisted by Department of Health officials, to assess the wellbeing of the initiates and examine documents certifying initiates fit for circumcision. All the schools visited in the area were above board and followed health regulations.
Speaking with traditional nurses Mgunculu highlighted the need to keep initiates hydrated especially with the rite of passage being undertake in the summer season.
“There should be no prohibition of water. The human body cannot function without water and the summer period comes with extreme temperatures which makes it imperative to keep initiates hydrated. Their parents put them in your care; do your work diligently and make sure they return home in good health”, he said.

Amathole District Municipality political and administration leaderships would like to express their deep sorrow and sadness at the tragic and unexpected passing of Ms. Nonceba Madikizela-Vuso, who served as the Spokesperson, following a car accident on the R72 route nearby the Chalumna Bridge by Sobeliti Village under the Buffalo City Metro Municipality.
Both ADM’s political and administration leadership extend their deep and heartfelt condolences to the Vuso family and their loved ones.
“Our thoughts and our prayers are with Ms. Madikizela-Vuso’s family, friends and loved ones during this very difficult time of great grief. We don't have words enough to express our shock and sadness at her untimely passing” – ADM Municipal Manager Dr Bhekisisa Mthembu
The accident occurred yesterday, Tuesday, 05 December 2023 in the afternoon resulting in the tragic death of Ms. Madikizela-Vuso and the exact cause is still under investigation at this point by law enforcement officers.
Issued by Amathole District Municipality
Office of the Municipal Manager
Tel: 043 783 2257 | Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Department of Strategic Planning and Management (Strat) led by Director Ntsikelelo Sovasi are in a direction of finding strategic catalytic solutions to support delivery of water and sanitation services that are efficient and sustainable to the ADM communities.
Held at the ADM Mayoral Building in Quigney, Strategic Planning and Management Department Portfolio Head, MMC Bandile Ketelo spoke greatly on the importance of an overall brand positioning of the institution, further commending the role played by Communications and Customer Care unit, that was led by the late Nonceba Madikizela-Vuso as one that has been and continues to be at the forefront of repositioning the institution’s brands and central to the operations of the municipality.
“The level of work that this unit has done is commendable and should continue to be elevated to greater heights. It is one of the vital tools we utilise to reach and engage with the communities that we service” – he said.
Ketelo concluded by encouraging the department, saying clear and implementable plans that will assist in bettering ADM need to be devised in this session and only that way the institution will be steered in the right direction.
Municipal Manager Dr. Bhekisisa Mthembu also took the opportunity to address the sitting where he said 
e (ADM personnel), needed to work hard to put the institution back on its feet so as to enable it to discharge its institutional responsibility of providing quality services to the people of ADM.
“We are all here to make a positive contribution that will ensure the tomorrow of ADM will be different from today. Things must change in such a way that our thinking and planning is impact driven” - said Mthembu.
In reference to the District Development Model (DDM), Mthembu also added that colleagues should stop the norm of wanting to compete with one another as individuals, units and departments and rather work with one another in unison. Concluding on this, he said when it comes to strategic planning, we cannot plan for what we don’t have.
“Let us go by the concept less is more and make use of what we have to get more. Let this be a paradigm shift of how things should be done and that way we will be headed in the right direction” – concluded Mthembu.
Additional to this, the session itself will look to discuss matters that have a detrimental effect on the functionality of the department which include as highlighted by the Chief Financial Officer CFO Mr. Ncedile Zengethwa, a disjointed work structure; understaffing in various divisions; municipal financial recovery plan and audit outcomes to mention a few and how best these can be improved upon.